Playing the Comparison Game

Pastor Jenn Mckenzie   -  

Being a parent is hard work and sometimes we wonder if we are doing a good job?  We hear about other families, other people’s kids and it can be easy for doubt to creep in.  Comparing ourselves to others is natural and depending on the situation can either make you feel like parent of the year or a total failure.    The last thing you want to hear about when you were up all night with your ten month old is how someone else’s two month old is sleeping through the night!  Or how about running into that mom who is always perfectly put together when you can’t remember the last time you got a shower?

Comparisons can be harmful to our self esteem and our outlook on how we are managing.  It’s easy to fall into this trap.  Before we close the blinds and shut ourselves off from all human contact, we have to realize that we all have good and bad days.  No one has completely mastered being a parent!

Take some time and check out this month’s video to see how we can deal with those moments we feel like we don’t measure up. – Pastor Jenn