
We believe there is one mission that the church is supposed to have. It is the same mission that Jesus spoke of before leaving this world. Jesus said, “All authority has been given to Me in heaven and on earth. Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and the Son and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I commanded you…” (Matthew 28:18-20)


Paul said in Philippians 1:12, “to live is Christ”. In order for us to complete the Great ComMISSIONthat Christ has called us to, we must first accept Jesus as Lord and Savior. It is through Him that we have life and have it in abundance.


Love is a key component in the Great ComMISSION that Jesus has called us to. In fact Jesus said, “By this all men will know that you are My disciples, if you have love for one another.” (John 13:35) It is by this love for one another that the people will know we belong to Jesus. We are also called to love the world just as God did (John 3:16).


The final component in completing the Great ComMISSION of Jesus is to lead others into a relationship with Christ. In Matthew 9:37 Jesus said, “The harvest is plentiful, but the workers are few.” God will always grow the harvest (1 Corinthians 3:6), but it is us who needs to go. We complete the mission of Christ by going and making more disciples.

Sundays 9am & 11:30am

1006 Sixth Avenue